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EU-rapport beschikbaar

Het rapport Promoting Effective Digital-Age Learning: A European Framework for Digitally-Competent Educational Organisation’, waar ik een (kleine) bijdrage aan heb mogen leveren, is nou beschikbaar op:  



Van de auteurs:

The report is the first output of the DigCompOrg study, which is a collaboration between the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre – Institute for Prospective Technological Studies and Directorate General for Education and Culture.

Your group gave a substantial contribution to the DigCompOrg Study and we would like to thank you for this! As an acknowledgment for your contribution, your names and affiliations are listed in p. 45 of the report.

Please feel free to further disseminate the report through your own networks.

As you already know, the goal of the framework is :

  • to encourage self-reflection and self-assessment within educational organisations on digital learning and pedagogies;
  • to enable policy makers to design, implement and evaluate policy interventions on digital learning technologies.

For a quick guide see the infographic at  http://europa.eu/!TP78Wq.

In the next phase, the DigCompOrg conceptual framework and self-assessment tool will be piloted in real-life educational settings. The focus will be on primary and secondary schools and institutions providing initial vocational education and training. Through this piloting the framework and self-assessment tool will be fine-tuned and operationalised based on a scientific evaluation. The completed framework will help teachers, school and VET administrators and policy makers to bring the potential of digital-age learning into educational practice.